Customer Support
Would you like more information about our products? Are you having problems in buying on our site? If you have any doubt or question about our Pensieri Felici and our services, our Customer Service is at your disposal, you can send an e-mail to [email protected]
Post-sale assistance
For any request or question related to repairs, you can contact the Customer Service by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. We will contact you within 7 working days to coordinate and communicate methods, times and costs for assistance. The costs for after-sales assistance outside the case regulated by art. 14 (Warranty)shall be entirely borne by the customer.
Pensieri Felici is a registered trademark of
Lowell srl
Via Cassiani, 173
41122 Modena,
tel +39 059 450050
fax +39 059 450203
Via Cassiani, 173
41122 Modena,
tel +39 059 450050
fax +39 059 450203